- Centre for the Easily Amused - C*E*A [IA][Direct] -
"Our hard-working experts have been exploring the Internet since long before it was trendy in their search for the Ultimate Guide to Wasting Time."
- Land O' Useless Facts [IA][Direct] -
Did you know that carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike? Learn a new useless fact every day.
- 164 Reasons This Page is Useless [IA][Direct]
- Abandoned Site [IA][Direct] -
If there is no darkness, the brightness doesn't exist. If there is no useless sites like this, we won't feel the usefulness of other sites.
- All Knowing Bob [IA][Direct] -
He answers your questions. He plays games. He writes poetry. He knows all and tells little. It's the All Knowing artificial Bob.
- Bathroom Wall, The [IA][Direct] -
A place to leave thoughts our quotes or what ever and see them on the bathroom wall the next day. Almost anything goes.
- beanie [IA][Direct] -
Beanie is freedom. Say "no" to Plato, Hobbes and Judy Garland. Those who are familar with Vonnegut, Twin Peaks, the Simpsons, Dostoyevsky, Marx and donuts will have a head start.
- beanie [IA][Direct] -
Beanie is freedom. Say "no" to Plato, Hobbes and Judy Garland. Those who are familar with Vonnegut, Twin Peaks, the Simpsons, Dostoyevsky, Marx and donuts will have a head start.
- Beard research [IA][Direct]
- Blackhole, The [IA][Direct]
- Blarney Cyberstone [IA][Direct] -
Need some blarney? Then kiss the stone.
- Boy am I Bored! [IA][Direct] -
Attempting to set a new standard for useless and annoying homepages.
- Brent's Useless Time Script 2 [IA][Direct] -
Want to know how many seconds until your birthday? How many seconds left this year? How long you've been alive? Well, come and try "Brent's Useless Time Script 2" I'm sure you'll be disappointed.
- Cabbage [IA][Direct] -
Music reviews, bad alt.stupidity literature, and thoughts of cabbage.
- Can Wall, The [IA][Direct] -
A useless effort in Recycling? Structural Engineering?
- ChiliDog's Condiment Castle [IA][Direct] -
Order a chili dog with all your favorite ingredients. Choose your eating partner and receive a response!!!
- Choo Choo Page [IA][Direct] -
My daughters favorite web page (she loves trains)
- Clear Plastic Fashions [IA][Direct] -
How to make a clear plastic raincoat to wear in the rain in Seattle
- Complete Lyrics to 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall [IA][Direct]
- Decision Helper From NLIS [IA][Direct]
- Deja Vu Page [IA][Direct] -
Ever had the feeling that you have done something before?
- Dick Assman [IA][Direct] -
The well known man but the man not well known.
- Engles Oil Page [IA][Direct] -
Dan Chaney takes you on a virtual tour.
- Everchanging Lame Page [IA][Direct] -
It"s lame, but it changes.
- FatAss.com [IA][Direct]
- File Not Found Emulator [IA][Direct] -
Learn to cope with your File not Found frustrations in a controlled environment. P.S. The file really is there!
- Florida Lottery, The [IA][Direct] -
Look how close I came to winning.
- Foam Bath Fish Time [IA][Direct]
- Generic Page [IA][Direct] -
Just like every other home page
- Grinnell College Warp Core [IA][Direct] -
Check out to see if we have a core breach.
- Hair Research International [IA][Direct]
- Index and Characteristics of Doug's Pages [IA][Direct] -
Including the adjacency matrix for the connectivity of his pages, their characteristic polynomial, and their spectral radius.
- Infamous Exploding Whale [IA][Direct]
- Interactive Ego Booster [IA][Direct] -
Feel better about yourself
- International Airsickness Bag Collection [IA][Direct] -
Airsickness bags, described and analyzed. Sensational GIFs.
- Internet Crasher!!, The [IA][Direct] -
Just a little joke I set up
- Internet in a Baby [IA][Direct]
- Lee's (Useless) Super-Hero Generator [IA][Direct] -
You're going to become a super-hero! Congratulations, but have you worked out the details? Well, stop worrying! All the answers are right here.
- Monkeys Typing Shakespeare [IA][Direct] -
A simulation of virtual monkeys typing the quote "To be or not to be that is the question".
- Nickel Zone, The [IA][Direct] -
A useless page it improve public awareness of nickels, the underappreciated coin.
- Oeno Phile's MOOD Detector [IA][Direct] -
Watch your title bar...
- Online Pregnancy Test [IA][Direct] -
Always efficient, occasionally accurate!
- Pages that don't exist [IA][Direct]
- Q-Tips - The Fanpage [IA][Direct]
- Questions I want to ask an Airline Pilot [IA][Direct]
- Random Internet Service Provider [IA][Direct] -
Just click and every time you go to a new ISP's homepage. Useless, but interesting sometimes.
- Sea-Monkey Worship Page [IA][Direct]
- Squirrel Clan [IA][Direct] -
They plan to take over the world!
- Stephen Turner's Coldlist [IA][Direct] -
Everyone else has a hotlist...
- Thank you AOL! [IA][Direct] -
Doing something that needed doing.
- Timeline - Shelly and Marc [IA][Direct] -
See how many minutes it's been since Shelly sent her first email
- Todd's Gallery of Pathetic Human Regret [IA][Direct] -
My pathetic bid to cleanse my soul. Share my childhood trauma on-line, as it should be...succinct, tearless, and no snotty Kleenex.
- Top Tips [IA][Direct]
- Untuned Television [IA][Direct]
- Useless 24156 [IA][Direct]
- Useless Industries [IA][Direct]
- Useless WWW Page Hall of Fame [IA][Direct]
- Virtual Panhandler [IA][Direct] -
Mister, can you spare a dime? Also accepts most major credit cards.
- Wave to the Cats [IA][Direct]
- What's in Tarin's Fridge? [IA][Direct]
- Where's My Burrito? [IA][Direct] -
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find my burrito!
- Whole E. Cow [IA][Direct] -
Cow information and puns.
- Why I'm Smarter than You -- Rebuttal [IA][Direct] -
A rebuttal to Tarasita Bond's original "Why I'm Smarter than You" page.
- Word Foo, The [IA][Direct]
- WWWF Grudge Match [IA][Direct] -
An example of too much time on my hands.
- WWW Virtual Keyboard [IA][Direct] -
If you have a T1 connection, your $3000 computer can sound like a $20 synthesizer.
- X-tract [IA][Direct] -
Hypertext drama for the masses.