- Fidel '96 Campaign - The Ultimate Washington Outsider [IA][Direct] -
Tired of the same old thing on election day? This time, send a REAL revolution to Washington. Kicking off the Campaign to Elect Fidel Castro, the man who's been called "the nemesis of the American Political Establishment."
- Fidel '96 Campaign - The Ultimate Washington Outsider [IA][Direct] -
Tired of the same old thing on election day? This time, send a REAL revolution to Washington. Kicking off the Campaign to Elect Fidel Castro, the man who's been called "the nemesis of the American Political Establishment."
- Bill Clinton and Al Gore '96 [IA][Direct] -
"In Epturum et Omnistasis"
- Bob Dole for President [IA][Direct] -
The ripe man for the job.
- Bob Drole for President [IA][Direct] -
Humorous parody of the official Bob Dole for President site.
- Bob Narley for President [IA][Direct]
- Buchanan For President! [IA][Direct]
- B.U.R.G.E.R Party, The [IA][Direct] -
Jack is the candidate for the Burger Users Rally for Greater Eating Reform party.
- Candidate 96 [IA][Direct] -
Republican candidate John "Jack" Parrish.
- Chris Reeder for President [IA][Direct] -
Candidate for D.I.P. (Digital Independent Party).
- Chupacabra/Alf '96 Campaign Headquarters [IA][Direct] -
The new alternative for president. Chupa promises a goat on every plate.
- ClintonWatch [IA][Direct] -
Keep an eye on Clinton during his last days in office.
- Cornholio! for President [IA][Direct]
- Dan Quayle For President! [IA][Direct]
- David Hasselhoff for President in '96 [IA][Direct] -
We went out and found a candidate who speaks to the world's youth (especially German youth).
- Duke Nukem '96 [IA][Direct] -
Campaign headquarters.
- Eddie96 [IA][Direct] -
He can't win, but you'll wish he could.
- Fig Bar Man for President [IA][Direct] -
Goofy? Yes. Brave? Well, he is the only candidate with the guts to run for President wearing a gigantic Fig Bar Cookie costume.
- Fred Inthehills [IA][Direct] -
Pot Party presidential candidate, author and filmmaker.
- General Colin Powell's Strategy to Defeat the Enemy [IA][Direct]
- Inglebuck Johnson for President! [IA][Direct] -
A new Republican candidate for President making waves throughout the country. Read about his platform.
- Janeway/Chakotay In '96 [IA][Direct]
- Kibo for President [IA][Direct]
- Klaus for President [IA][Direct]
- Nobody for President [IA][Direct] -
Humorous, historical approach to Election '96 showing what NOBODY has done for you. Who balanced the budget, lowered taxes, & brought peace to our times?
- Peter Wilson For President [IA][Direct]
- Phoebe For President! [IA][Direct] -
Join Phoebe, her pain-in-the-butt little brother, Norbert, and her friends David and Paula, as they unleash the power of the internet to give kids everywhere a chance to join in the campaign debate.
- Rocket J. Squirrel for President [IA][Direct] -
Part of an effort to foil the plans of Robert Dolemite and William Clintinov.
- Rush in '96! [IA][Direct]
- Sammy the Cat for President in '96 [IA][Direct] -
Vote for Sammy, he's our man, if he can't do it, no one can; bring a furry belly into the White House, vote for Sammy the cat.
- Scampaign '96 [IA][Direct] -
Comedy, commentary and the start of a nationwide campaign to expose the absurdity of politics and our electoral process. From comedyusa.com.
- Scully/Mulder in 1996 [IA][Direct] -
Trust no one else!
- Slick Times [IA][Direct] -
Politcal commentary and humor on the Clintons and other numbskulls in Washington.
- SoCoOL The Bull For President [IA][Direct] -
It's True. There is a lot of Bull being flung in the race for the U.S. Presidency. Nobody flings the Bull Like SoCoOL The Bull.
- Steve Forbes - The Golden Platform [IA][Direct]
- Thor and Odin in 96 [IA][Direct] -
Vote for a grand old party.
- Traci Topps for Prez Page [IA][Direct] -
Choosing Traci Topps is almost like choosing a female version of Bill Clinton. The only thing that differs between the two is that Traci Topps' sexual exploits are forever captured on video.
- Unabomber Political Action Committee [IA][Direct] -
Unabomber for President!
- westword.com | Dick Lamm's NO BULLSHIT 96 Campaign [IA][Direct]
- Zero-for-President [IA][Direct] -
Digital candidate for the office of President of the United States! Zero's only qualification is that he's the Hitch Hiker of the Information Highway: he's been there and done that.