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  • American Focus [IA][Direct] - A fellowship of conservative American correspondents.
  • Big Sky Patriot [IA][Direct]
  • Change-Links Progressive [IA][Direct] - A newspaper/newsletter of progressive political, cultural, artistic and social events.
  • Exegesis [IA][Direct] - Brings you the latest news and comment from Washington and around the world from a moral viewpoint.
  • Exegesis [IA][Direct] - Brings you the latest news and comment from Washington and around the world from a moral viewpoint.
  • Foreign Report [IA][Direct] - Weekly newsletter giving you inside intelligence on political, business and diplomatic developments throughout the world.
  • Independence Hall [IA][Direct] - Covers the floors of the U.S. House and Senate, including the votes made by each Representative and Senator.
  • Italian politics on-line [IA][Direct] - Weekly report on Italian politics and economy, useful both to academics and investors.
  • .netpulse [IA][Direct] - Updated news and information about using the internet for politics.
  • Politics This Week [IA][Direct] - The Economist's weekly summary of political news; delivered free by e-mail.
  • Raven's Call [IA][Direct] - The official newsletter of Alaskans for Independence, it is published and posted monthly with a wide range of articles about Alaska by Alaskans.
  • Relevance Newsletter [IA][Direct] - Uncensored information and reasoned analysis.
  • Second Thoughts [IA][Direct] - Analytical newsletter based on the public record.
  • Trickle-Downer, The  [IA][Direct] - Source of political opinion and humor which exposes proponenents of supply-side economics. Featuring the Ecobuster and Trickle-Downer-of-the-Month awards.
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