- American Association for the Advancement of Science - Directorate for Science and Policy Programs [IA][Direct] -
Devoted to activities in realms where science, government, and society intersect.
- Computer Systems and Software Subgroup of the U.S.-Russia Business Development Committee [IA][Direct]
- Developing Hawaii's Information Economy [IA][Direct] -
Working paper that describes a strategic plan about how Hawaii can strengthen its technology industry infrastructure; includes discussions on technical issues, venture capital, regulations, and more.
- Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (ICSTI) [IA][Direct] -
The Government has established a Council to advise it on all aspects relating to the strategic direction of science, technology and innovation policy.
- National Academy of Sciences - Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy [IA][Direct] -
Conducts studies on cross-cutting issues in science and technology policy.
- Next Generation Internet (NGI) Initiative [IA][Direct]
- Office of Technology Assessment: The OTA Legacy [IA][Direct] -
Preserves for free public access the complete publications archive of the now-defunct Congressional office.
- Project on Technology Policy Assessment [IA][Direct] -
A project analyzing the Clinton-Gore technology policies.
- Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Information Map (STIMAP) [IA][Direct] -
Comprehensive listing of science, technology and innovation policy resources on the Internet.
- Technocracy [IA][Direct] -
Essays on technology and its relationship to both business and government, information on technology centers, a page on Peter Drucker, and links to related information on the Internet.
- Technology and Innovation Policy Information Map [IA][Direct] -
A comprehensive listing of science, technology and innovation policy resources on the Internet.
- Technology in the National Interest [IA][Direct] -
Clinton Administration's technology policy.
- Telecommunications Act of 1996 [IA][Direct]
- Uniform Electronic Transactions Act [IA][Direct] -
Non-partisan public forum for both lawyers and non-lawyers interested in following or participating in the drafting of this law.
- U.S. Technology Administration@ (1999)
- U.S. Technology Administration@ (1997)
- Web Directory: Science and Technology Policy / Política Científica e Tecnológica [IA][Direct] -
Links to academic institutions, government, data bases. Links sobre pct na américa latina e no mundo. categ.: instit. oficiais; acadêmicas; base de informações e indicadores, periódicos.
- World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organization [IA][Direct] -
NGO that promotes cooperation between member research establishments to provide an international voice for technological research and development through technology transfers and dissemination.