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Home > News and Media > Magazines > Sex > Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual >
  • Biker Buddies Online Magazine [IA][Direct]
  • Boys&Toys [IA][Direct] - Magazine which includes pictures, interviews, personals, erotic literature and art about gay life in México.
  • Daddy Magazine [IA][Direct] - Devoted to men over 21 who admire men between the ages of 35-70 and vise versa.
  • Dick Magazine [IA][Direct] - Contains gay male fiction by porn writier Jesse Gambini.
  • Dirty [IA][Direct] - Freaky hip hop, with erotic pictures and stories of New York City men, tales of the publisher's adventures, reviews, listings, and games.
  • Gay CyberSlut [IA][Direct] - For gay men including pictures of men in underwear, naked, and in xxx poses. Includes a guide to bars and clubs in Manchester, England.
  • Gay Magazine Madness [IA][Direct] - Gay sex magazine newsstand featuring multiple on-line editions of popular j/o rags.
  • GRUF - Great Unshaven Faces [IA][Direct] - For lovers of hot, hairy, bearded and mustached men of all types.
  • Handjobs Magazine [IA][Direct] - Erotic magazine dedicated to Daddy-Boy and Older Guy-Younger Guy stories.
  • In Uniform [IA][Direct] - Features police, military, fire fighters and service workers.
  • Light Blue Hanky Men [IA][Direct] - Magazine for gay and bisexual men heavily into oral sex. Includes links to pages that would interest its readers.
  • Man-Sex.com [IA][Direct] - Gay monthly adult magazine with centerfolds classifieds and original photographs
  • Manzone [IA][Direct] - Online e-zine for gay men including email, newsgroups, pictures, movies, chat, video conferencing, and more.
  • Orsi Italiani Magazine  [IA][Direct] - Italian club for big men and their admirers.
  • Polished Knob [IA][Direct] - A magazine of guys' true sexual experiences, hot nude photos, feature articles, humor, comics, reviews, personal ads and more.
  • Ropeburn [IA][Direct] - Male bondage online magazine.
  • Smooth Buddies [IA][Direct] - Contact club and zine for gay men into body shaving, especially pubic shaving. Website contains male frontal nudity and explicit descriptions of gay sex.
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