- Denver, Bob [IA][Direct]
- FAQ - Gilligan's Isle [IA][Direct]
- Gilligan Conspiracy, The [IA][Direct] -
Leading experts debate what really happened on the three hour tour.
- Gilligan's Island Archives [IA][Direct]
- Gilligan's Island Fan Club [IA][Direct] -
Headquarters of the Gilligan's Island Fan Club. Lots of information, pictures, virtual trivia and collectibles. Gilligan, Skipper, Howell's, Ginger, Professor and Mary Ann welcome you.
- Gilligan's Island: Passion Fruit, by Shelby Bush [IA][Direct] -
Adult fan fiction.
- Ginger or Mary Ann? [IA][Direct] -
Cast your vote in the classic decision.
- Here On The Island [IA][Direct] -
A scholarly critique of the style, symbolism and sociopolitical relevance of Gilligan's Island