Home > Recreation > Games > Internet Games > MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, etc. > | MUDs | | | | | | | | - Aardwolf MUD [IA][Direct] -
Explore the many mysteries of this fantasy roleplaying MUD dungeon and group with fellow adventurers to overcome all the odds!
- Abandoned Reality [IA][Direct]
- ACME Costruttori di Mondi [IA][Direct] -
Italian association of mud builders.
- Allanthya's MUD [IA][Direct]
- Alter Aeon [IA][Direct] -
A multi-class MUD coded from scratch, with many cool features.
- Ancient Anguish [IA][Direct] -
One of the oldest, largest and most popular MUD's.
- Ancient Anguish@ (1999)
- Angalon [IA][Direct] -
A wholly original medieval fantasy land.
- Apocalypse V [IA][Direct]
- Arcadia MUD [IA][Direct] -
Limited Pkill MUD based on ROM 2.3. Stable 100% rewritten code; long-term site; on-line building; clan system; role-playing strongly encouraged.
- Archipelago [IA][Direct] -
A fantasy adventure set in dangerous and fantastic waters.
- Armageddon@ (1999)
- Army of Angmar, The [IA][Direct] -
For Genesis, based on Tolkien's Middle Earth.
- Art of Damnation, The [IA][Direct] -
With an advanced code and friendly people.
- AustinMud@ (1999)
- Avatar MUD [IA][Direct]
- BatMUD [IA][Direct] -
Located on a dedicated server at the Technical University of Helsinki, Finland.
- CheesyMUD [IA][Direct] -
A half-Circle, half-original MUD with a funky-fresh outlook on gaming.
- CobaltMUD [IA][Direct] -
Includes updates and news.
- Crimson MUD II [IA][Direct] -
For users of all levels or just new users.
- Cythera Mud [IA][Direct] -
100 levels per class, all original areas, unrestricted pkill, lag free dedicated mudserver, vampires, and much more!
- Dark Castle [IA][Direct]
- DarkeMUD [IA][Direct] -
A fantasy / medieval MUD with many interesting complexities.
- Dead of Night, The [IA][Direct] -
11 races, 9 classes, unlimited multi-classing and unlimited levels make for real variety.
- DoomMUD [IA][Direct]
- Duris: Land of BloodLust [IA][Direct] -
An off-shoot of Sojourn dikumud. Heavy race-wars dark theme. For advanced mudders only who are looking for the ultimate mudding challenge!
- Earthmud [IA][Direct]
- Edge of Darkness, The [IA][Direct] -
A fantasy MUD with a completely original world.
- Electric Dreams [IA][Direct] -
Three worlds apart. Three worlds come together. Beware young heart. The dark leader forever.
- Elephant Mud [IA][Direct] -
A large, old and well established mud in a medieval vein, and with a unique feel.
- Endorian Empires MUD [IA][Direct] -
A J.R.R. Tolkien-based MUD.
- Entropy [IA][Direct] -
Multi-player role playing game. We have 13 different races, 7 different classes (more coming soon), and lots of neat stuff.
- Eternal Chaos [IA][Direct] -
Social Page for the MUD, 'Eternal Chaos'. Features pictures, artwork, etc.. of the various players as well as some links.
- Exodus [IA][Direct] -
The next generation of Diku-based role playing games. Sail around our immense world, build houses, stores, & clanhalls, start a clan war!
- FieryMUD [IA][Direct]
- Final Challenge!, The [IA][Direct] -
Web pages supporting The Final Challenge, Primenet's Official MUD.
- First Light Mud [IA][Direct]
- FishRoom's Catfish Room Archive [IA][Direct] -
Chat MUD dedicated to the keeping of aquaria.
- Gamepad [IA][Direct]
- Genocide [IA][Direct] -
The original player-killing mud. If monster muds have lost their challenge, try Genocide.
- GrimneMUD [IA][Direct]
- Hamna Hamna's Lycanthrope MUD [IA][Direct]
- Heroes of Kore MUD [IA][Direct]
- HoloMUD [IA][Direct] -
Loosely based on a Star Trek type theme.
- htMUD front door page [IA][Direct]
- Ikar K'Tor, Sword of Deneir [IA][Direct] -
For those who need to find an identity to their character. I MUD on sojourn, and this is about my character, Ikar. Plus other goodies for the bored surfer.
- Isengard [IA][Direct] -
A Multi-player Dungeon based loosely upon the literary works of JRR Tolkien. Mordor software is the machine that drives this game.
- Ivory Tower [IA][Direct] -
A fantasy game based on the MUD system for interactive entertainment.
- JediMUD [IA][Direct]
- KaosHQ [IA][Direct] -
Information about clients, guilds and the background story for this mud.
- KAOS MUD [IA][Direct] -
Hints, maps, prizes, news & notes, and links to related sites. Can also telnet to KAOS from here.
- KoBra MUD [IA][Direct] -
Help and reference for players
- Krishnak [IA][Direct] -
A friendly and playable medieval world. Roleplaying is encouraged but not required. No rent. Evolving codebase (heavily modified SillyMUD server).
- Kyron [geocities.com] [IA][Direct]
- Land of Drogon, The [IA][Direct]
- LegendMUD [Raph Koster] [IA][Direct] -
Another link to a different page of resources.
- Looney Mud [IA][Direct] -
Looney Mud Home Page...Rooky,Airesch,Blade, Benrabbit....
- LooneyMUD [IA][Direct] -
ThE LoOnIeSt MUD oN tHe PlAnEt!!
- Lost Souls@ (1999)
- Lysators MUDs [IA][Direct]
- Macintosh MUDding Resources [IA][Direct] -
A comprehensive listing of MUDding resources for Macintosh/MacOS. Clients, servers, utils, links, and sundry other stuff.
- MadROM [IA][Direct]
- Medievia [IA][Direct]
- Midnight Sun [IA][Direct] -
The MUD Midnight Sun. Strictly medieval fantasy.
- Misery MUD [IA][Direct] -
ROM and envy based PK mud, smarter monsters, new classes, explosives, player defined clans, etc.
- MMENV [IA][Direct]
- Moongate [IA][Direct] -
A multiplayer, interactive fantasy network, leading the edge in online roleplaying.
- Moongate [IA][Direct] -
An exercise in dreams! Based partially on the Ultima and Wizardry games, Moongate offers a unique fantasy gaming experience!
- Mortal Realms [IA][Direct] -
Adventure with an advanced interface, and a huge world.
- MUD dedicated at LUDD [IA][Direct] -
Is dedicated to all MUDs running at LUDD. The most notorious MUDs here are (so far): Midnight Sun (LP) and Northern Lights (Aber).
- MUDgik: The Gathering of Heroes [IA][Direct]
- MUDlist [IA][Direct] -
List of hundreds of MUDs. Add a site or look at existing links.
- MUD List [IA][Direct]
- Multi User Dimensions at LUDD [IA][Direct] -
Information about the MUDs running at Ludd, Luleå Academic Computer Society, and links to other MUD related information.
- Mystic Adventure Front Door [IA][Direct] -
Highly-customized MUD with battlefields, shops, millions and millions of monsters and equipment, and a virtual population.
- Mythran Mud Homeage [IA][Direct]
- NannyMUD - The main MUD at Lysator [IA][Direct]
- Nanvaent [IA][Direct]
- Necromium [IA][Direct] -
Where death is a way of life.
- Nightfall [IA][Direct] -
LPmud located in Germany which runs for over 4 years.
- NiteMare MUD [IA][Direct]
- Nomic MUD [IA][Direct]
- NoMUD [IA][Direct] -
Modified Circle 3.0 with many new races and classes, new areas added often.
- Nuclear War LPMud Page [IA][Direct]
- PerlMUD [IA][Direct] -
Written in Perl 5.0 and compatible with the TinyMUD command set
- Phoenix [IA][Direct] -
A student run Linux Box which serves as the student project server of Mercer University. Current projects include MUD++ and Lost Realms MUD.
- Phoenix Mud Page [IA][Direct] -
A friendly, continually moving AberMUD with lots of enhancements.
- Providence of Coranthia, The [IA][Direct] -
A ROM based MUD. History, builder info, and maps of the MUD.
- QuarantineMUD [IA][Direct]
- Realm of Magic [IA][Direct] -
Based on CircleMud 2.2 but was heavely changed. Located in germany, Bremen, but a lot of american players choose to play here,even knowing that the lag is heavy.
- Realms of Despair [IA][Direct]
- Realms of Mit'uen [IA][Direct]
- Regenesis [IA][Direct] -
- RockyMud [IA][Direct]
- Savage Hearts [IA][Direct] -
Rallanois is the Land of Demons.
- Scimitar [IA][Direct]
- Shadowdale Mud [IA][Direct]
- Shadow Realms MUD [IA][Direct]
- TAPPMud [IA][Direct]
- TeraMud [IA][Direct] -
A mud with a variety of classes and races, spells and skills. It is a unique and friendly place to play.
- Thieves World MUD [IA][Direct]
- This is the Mudhole [IA][Direct]
- Threshold MUD [IA][Direct] -
High fantasy, medieval role playing MUD with player run religions, legal system, economy, clans and kingdoms.
- Tirn Aill [IA][Direct] -
Fully original world, Circle3 based code, with many modifications.
- Toril: the Journey Continues [IA][Direct] -
Toril, one of the two offshoots of the famous Sojourn MUD, continues along the lines of its origins. We heavily encourage role playing and have an intensive guild system in place.
- Tsunami MUD [IA][Direct] -
One of the oldest, greatest lpMUDs in existance, with over 40 classes and 300 skills!
- Turns of the Wheel [IA][Direct] -
Up-to-date information about the MUD, related subjects and sites.
- VargonMUD [IA][Direct]
- VikingMUD [IA][Direct]
- Virtual Baltimore MUD [IA][Direct] -
Interact with other players in Baltimore's Inner Harbor.
- Web Medievia [IA][Direct]
- World's End Mud [IA][Direct]
- Xallahn [IA][Direct] -
We require people to help with ideas, area and skill creation. Coding skills is also an option.
- Xania MUD [IA][Direct] -
English ROM-style MUD with no pkilling.
- Zebedee [IA][Direct] -
Based on the monochrome BBS.
- ZetMUD [IA][Direct] -
Based on the god, Zet. Run by Jidon and Praetor.