Home > Recreation > Games > Internet Games > MUDs, MUSHes, MOOs, etc. > | MUSHs | | | | | | | | | | | | | - Absolute MUSH [IA][Direct] -
Based around TinyMUSH 2.0.10p6+
- Among the Stars TrekMUSH - The Dominion [IA][Direct] -
One of the factions on ATS TrekMUSH, a Star Trek MUSH, taking place 20 years after DS9.
- Ansalon Dreams MUSH [IA][Direct] -
Based on Pre-Cataclysm Dragonlance. Looking for imagination, curiousity and lots of player input.
- AuroraMUSH [IA][Direct]
- Barbary MUSH [IA][Direct] -
Cthulhu in 1890s San Francisco.
- Battlestar MUSH [IA][Direct]
- Beginners Guide to MUSHing [IA][Direct] -
The basic information needed to get around in a MUSH environment. It also has some MUSH client software links and MUSH addresses.
- binaryMUSH [IA][Direct] -
Stop by the 8bit cafe: where numbers gether to converse over coffee. A virtually unthemed/multithemed mush... fruitmush's numerical cousin.
- BlackMagic's Mush Page [IA][Direct]
- Cajun Nights Roleplaying Tinymush [IA][Direct] -
Based on Whitewolf's World of Darkness.
- Children of the Moon [IA][Direct] -
It's the year 2005, after the Desert Storm holocaust. You're on your own.
- Cortland by Night [IA][Direct]
- Danse Macabre Mush [IA][Direct] -
Based in France of the 14th century. The mush prides itself on historical accuracy. Based on the White Wolf System, it adds a touch of the supernatural.
- Dark Gift [IA][Direct] -
White Wolf roleplaying MUSH set in modern day Pittsburgh.
- Dark Horizons MUSH [IA][Direct]
- Darkweb - San Jose by Fright [IA][Direct]
- DawnSisters MUSH [IA][Direct] -
Post-AtWoP Pern-themed roleplaying MUSH
- DestinyMUSH [IA][Direct]
- Dreaming MUSH, The [IA][Direct] -
Changeling-only MUSH. Consentual RP, small, streamlined staff. Game is based upon _Changeling: The Dreaming_ by White Wolf and is set in current day NYC.
- DuneMUSH II [IA][Direct] -
This MUSH takes place in Frank Herbert's "Dune" universe from the year 10,181 onward (10 years before the first novel in the series begins).
- Ecto MUSH [IA][Direct] -
A part of TinyCWRU for fans of Happy, Kate, Tori, Sarah, etc.
- ElendorMush [IA][Direct] -
The oldest Tolkien Mush in existence. They are proud to offer a WWW home page!
- EQ: The Quest Continues [IA][Direct]
- Exo-Squad Mush [IA][Direct]
- FedoraMUSH [IA][Direct] -
Laid-back MUSH with a style all its own. Come visit, but don't be gothic, and remember to bring your own sedatives.
- fruitMUSH [IA][Direct] -
You stand in the middle of a vast orchard. There are many trees of all sorts growing around you...
- Idyll Mountain MUSH [IA][Direct] -
Experience real-time chat in a multimedia hypertext virtual environment!
- Impact Theatre Company [IA][Direct]
- Interesting MUSH List [IA][Direct]
- Juliann's MUSH Matrix [IA][Direct] -
A complete collection of MUSH resources including a current MUSHList and listing of commercial MU* sites.
- Kenja Clan, The [IA][Direct] -
An Org/Faction/Clan on the StarWarsMUSH
- Mush in the Making - Wizards Needed [IA][Direct] -
A new mush in the making, wizards for hire, need theme ideas. staff needed!
- MUSH manual [IA][Direct] -
Everything you've always wanted to know about MUSHes.
- MUSH manual [foobar.co.uk] [IA][Direct] -
HTMLized version.
- NexusWars [IA][Direct]
- Princess Bride MUSH [IA][Direct] -
A loosely themed MUSH, Princess Bride is based on S. Morgenstern's classic as revised by Willaim Goldman.
- Rebellion Mush [IA][Direct] -
Fantasy roleplaying game.
- Shadowrun MUSH [IA][Direct] -
Based on the popular RPG by FASA. Open to online character creation. Strong RP emphasis, judged combat, bullet-proof hard and softcode.
- SouCon MUSH [IA][Direct] -
The Pern MUSH SouCon
- Swords & Sorcery [IA][Direct]
- Tales of Ta'veren [IA][Direct] -
Based on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series
- TinyMUSH Help Files [IA][Direct]
- TinyTIM [IA][Direct] -
World's oldest running MUSH (Multi-User Shared Hallucination). It's a lot of fun and beats getting run over by a car.
- TrippyMUSH [IA][Direct]
- YakMUSH [IA][Direct] -
Intense, plot-driven roleplaying in the high Himalayas! Yaks, Yetis, Tibetan Mastiffs and more!