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  • Gremlins in the Garage!  [*] [IA][Direct] - The first E-zine dedicated to figure kit modeling including coverage of science fiction, horror, fantasy, and anime from movies, books, comics, and cartoons.
  • Modeler's Resource, The [IA][Direct] - Caters to the sci-fi, fantasy, vehicular and figure kit builder. Each issue, beginning with number ten, contains at least four pages of color photos.
  • RC Soaring [IA][Direct] - Top quality e-zine for soarers with original articles, cartoons and downloadable software.
  • Seaways Publishing, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Publishers of Seaways' Ships in Scale magazine, welcomes you to the Information Seaway, the resource center for the serious shipmodeler and the nautical researcher
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