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Home > Recreation > Travel > Air Travel >
Online Reservations
  • Travelocity  [*] [IA][Direct] - Buy airline tickets, get details on worldwide destinations, browse through interests ranging from restaurants and concerts to golf courses and theater. Purchase products and share experiences via chats and bulletin boards.
  • Air Travel Manager [IA][Direct] - AirTM is a powerful, unbiased virtual travel agent. Download free Windows software.
  • All Flights Information System [IA][Direct] - Enter destination and arrival city names followed by a travel date and get flight schedules for all major airlines.
  • Biztravel.com [IA][Direct] - Magazine about business travel.
  • easySABRE [IA][Direct] - Offers access to airline, car rental and hotel information in a command-driven (ASCII) interface. book your airline reservations for free.
  • Internet Travel Network@  (1997)
  • Microsoft Expedia [IA][Direct] - Purchase airline tickets, make hotel and car reservations, find out what the Franc is worth today, or scout your next trip with the World Guide.
  • Preview Travel, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Book airline, hotel and car reservations, find air fares with Farefinder, and explore vacation destinations worldwide.
  • Travel Information Software Systems [IA][Direct] - TISS provides airline booking via SABRE; also links to hotel and car rental sites.
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