- American Library Association Annual Conference [IA][Direct] -
July 4-10, 1996, in New York City.
- Asian Pacific Specials, Health and Law Librarians' Conference 1997 [IA][Direct]
- Freedom of Expression Information Libraries [IA][Direct] -
In Visby May, 3-5 1996. The confefence will examine how libraries can play an important role in encouraging freedom of speech and entering the information society.
- Library as a Place Real and Virtual, The [IA][Direct] -
Interactive workshop prior to ALA in San Francisco by Kenneth E. Dowlin and Aaron Cohen Associates Ltd.
- LITA/LAMA National Conference [IA][Direct] -
A national conference and exhibition on leadership and technology in the information age. October 13-16, 1996.
- Living the Future [IA][Direct] -
Process improvement and organizational change at the University of Arizona Library, May 1-4, 1996
- Medical Library Association Annual Meeting [IA][Direct] -
June 1-5, 1996, in Kansas City.
- UNYOC '97: The Visible Librarian [IA][Direct] -
The Upstate New York and Ontario Chapter of the Medical Library Association's 33rd annual conference, hosted in Albany, N.Y., October 15-17, 1997.