- Bibliomania [IA][Direct] -
A major library of fiction, reference, and non-fiction
- Carrie: An Electronic Library [IA][Direct]
- eLib: The Electronic Libraries Programme [IA][Direct]
- Farmland Information Library [IA][Direct] -
Farmland Protection Literature (abstracts, bibliographies), Farmland Protection Legislation (citations and full-text), plus links to more resources.
- GSFC Homer E. Newell Memorial Library [IA][Direct]
- Internet 2000: For Jack and Jill Citizen and Little Joey [IA][Direct] -
What's needed for the coming widespread public and student use. Includes info on the Internet Appliance, Internet by Cable, new multimedia browsers, and local digital libraries.
- Internet Public Library@ (1996)
- Liber Liber [IA][Direct] -
La biblioteca on-line italiana. Libri consultabili on-line.
- Michigan Comnet Virtual Library [IA][Direct] -
For nonprofit public service organizations. Includes sections on grants and funding, government, health care, and political activism.
- Michigan Electronic Library [IA][Direct] -
Provides access and organization to thousands of information resources.
- Project Bartleby [IA][Direct] -
Public Internet library featuring Bartlett's, Strunk, Frost, etc.
- U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library [IA][Direct]
- U.S. Naval Institute Military Database [IA][Direct] -
Unclassified intelligence database with detailed coverage of over 150 nations.
- Vandenberg Electronic Publication Distribution Library [IA][Direct] -
VEPDL is an electronic Air Force publication library providing current publications, documents and forms to the military and other government communities.