- AcqWeb [IA][Direct] -
Resources for Acquisitions Librarians
- AllezCat: Our Initial Response to PromptCat Version 1.0 [IA][Direct] -
Use of barcodes to expedite processing of electronically transmitted approval shipments. Eliminates keystroke error.
- Bibliography on Evaluating Internet Resources [IA][Direct] -
Includes on-line and print resources, and useful listservs related to teaching and using evaluation skills on the Internet.
- Catalog Management Department [IA][Direct] -
Cataloging resources for library technical services at Indiana University Libraries
- Cataloguing Internet Resources [IA][Direct] -
- English Short-Title Catalogue [IA][Direct] -
Database that, when complete, will contain bibliographic records for virtually every item printed in England, or in any of England's dependencies, 1473-1800.
- Gabriel - Gateway to Europe's National Libraries [IA][Direct] -
The Conference of European National Libraries (CENL) brings together the national libraries of Europe, creating a common point of access.
- Geographic Cutter Table [IA][Direct] -
To be used for U.S. states and regions where the LC Classification Schedules instruct the cataloger to cutter "By state or region, A-Z."
- Intellectual Property: A Pathfinder for Librarians and Educators [IA][Direct] -
Including reference sources, bibliographies, periodicals, and related internet sites, including copyright agencies and collectives.
- Journals Online News [IA][Direct] -
Information about access to journals, journal cancellations, new journal subscriptions and other journals-related issues
- LIBLICENSE: Licensing digital information [IA][Direct] -
Provides information for academic and research libraries as they read and negotiate licenses with information providers for electronic and digital information.
- Librarians Information Online Network (LION) [IA][Direct] -
A resource for K-12 school librarians: cataloging resources, literature guide, calendar of events, and more.
- Library Job Hunting [IA][Direct] -
List of places to look for library jobs, including state, provincial, and regional library associations.
- Library of Congress Classification System [IA][Direct]
- Library of God [IA][Direct] -
Information Home of Theological Librarians and Other Info Seekers in Religion. Houses original work in religious scholarship.
- Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials [IA][Direct] -
A compilation of electronic discussion lists, distribution lists and electronic serials which are of interest to library professionals and staff.
- Library-Oriented Lists and Electronic Serials [IA][Direct] -
A compilation of electronic discussion lists, distribution lists and electronic serials which are of interest to library professionals and staff.
- Library Support Staff Resource Center [IA][Direct]
- MLA - Technical Services Section [IA][Direct]
- Planning an Electronic Library Classroom: An Annotated Bibliography [IA][Direct] -
List of resources helpful in planning and implementing an electronic classroom for library use instruction.
- Planning Shifts of Library Collections [IA][Direct] -
Comprehensive list of items to consider when moving library collections.
- Public-Access Computer Systems Review [IA][Direct] -
An electronic journal about digital libraries, electronic publishing, hypermedia, locally mounted databases, network-based information resources and tools, and online catalogs.
- Technical Processing Online Tools (TPOT) [IA][Direct]
- UKOLN - UK Office for Library and Information Networking [IA][Direct] -
Supports the UK library and information communities through research, network services and awareness raising in the area of network information management.
- Web4Lib Electronic Discussion [IA][Direct] -
For the discussion of issues relating to the creation and management of library-based www servers and clients.
- Writing for the Web: A Primer for Librarians [IA][Direct] -
By Eric H. Schnell, MLS.