- Black Studies Library [IA][Direct] -
Library of culture of Africa and African-America.
- Boston University - Mugar Memorial Library Special Collections [IA][Direct] -
One of the largest archives in the United States. BU was one of the first to collect contemporary figures.
- Cleveland State University Library, Special Collections Department [IA][Direct]
- Cooperative Children's Book Center [IA][Direct] -
Children's book examination center and research library of UW-Madison's School of Education.
- John Hay Library@ (1997)
- Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries - PACSCL [IA][Direct] -
Association of 20 public, independent, university, religious, and museum libraries. Information on hours, collections, and special events.
- Popular Culture Library [IA][Direct] -
Research collection documenting late 19th and 20th century American popular culture.
- Spirit of Tan'gun [IA][Direct] -
Korean Collection of East Asian Library at U.C. Berkeley.
- Tulane University Special Collections [IA][Direct] -
New Orleans-based archives that preserve original sources about jazz history, architectural history, the Civil War, medical history, Jewish Studies, Southern politics, and other research topics.
- UCLA Special Collections [IA][Direct]
- UNC Greensboro Special Collections and Rare Books [IA][Direct] -
Houses the cello music, George Herbert, Lois Lenski, women's, mystery and detective fiction, girls' books in series, private presses, and early juvenile literature collections.
- University of Chicago [IA][Direct] -
The Oriental Institute.
- University of Delaware [IA][Direct] -
Describes the holdings of the department, exhibitions and publications, and links to related sites.
- University of Houston Libraries - Special Collections [IA][Direct] -
Includes a collection of online exhibits produced by libraries and archives, links to special collections and archives on the WWW, and online resources for librarians and archivists.
- University of Idaho - Special Collections and Archives [IA][Direct] -
Includes comprehensive directory of repositories of primary source material.
- University of Miami - Archives and Special Collections Department [IA][Direct] -
Noted Floridiana and Cuban collections.
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - North Carolina Collection [IA][Direct] -
Preserves an assemblage of literary, visual and artifactual materials illustrating four centuries of the colony and state of North Carolina.
- University of South Carolina - Department of Rare Books & Special Collections [IA][Direct] -
Information on important collections and hypertextualized versions of recent exhibits.
- Washington University Department of Special Collections [IA][Direct]
- Wellesley College - Special Collections, Margaret Clapp Library [IA][Direct] -
Details the various collections owned by the library at Wellesley.