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Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Ahmady Bosnian [IA][Direct] - For Bosnian-Ahmady Muslims and Bosnian-Non-Ahmady Muslims (in Bosnian).
  • BosNet [IA][Direct] - A voluntary organization, focusing in connecting the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina across the world.
  • Bosnia Aviano Link [IA][Direct] - Webchat Broadcasting System Channel
  • Bosnia [caltech] [IA][Direct]
  • Bosnia Help Page [IA][Direct] - Our collective goal is to keep the people of the world informed of the situation in Bosnia-Hercegovina by providing humanitarian, political and cultural organization information and addresses.
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina [IA][Direct] - Anchors and links to web resources.
  • Bosnian Virtual Fieldtrip [IA][Direct] - Take a virtual "tour" of Bosnia.
  • Bosnia: Uncertain Paths to Peace [IA][Direct] - Interactive multimedia photojournalism project that chronicles Bosnia's struggle for peace. Features an electronic gallery of more than one hundred and fifty images by photojournalist Gilles Peress, and a month-long worldwide discussion on war and peace in the former Yugoslavia.
  • Cyberzid [IA][Direct] - Communication and interviews, civic society, radio wall, book publishing, magazine wall paper, rock'n'roll CD produciton, video presentation.
  • Reconstruction of Bosnia & Herzegovina [IA][Direct] - Exhibition regarding the reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina on display from February 28 to May 10,1996; (in Italian, English and Bosnian.)
  • Sarajevo Diaries: Adam Laurie [IA][Direct] - Daily developing diary of Adam Laurie in his journey to Sarajevo for the IHAC (International Humanitarian Aid Concern) to install their first internet server.
  • Welcome to Bosnia - Caltech [IA][Direct] - Includes recent news, history, maps, photos, and information about suspected war criminals.
  • Witness: Roads to Refuge [IA][Direct] - Features the stories of some of those who survived the war in Bosnia as they attempt to put their lives back together and find their way home.
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