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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Arts > Humanities > Literature > Genres > Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror >
Web Published Fiction
  • Gabe Torok - My World of Science Fiction [IA][Direct] - Contains several of my short stories, and selected chapters from my longer works. Complete works are available.
  • L'Arche / The Arche [IA][Direct] - A Science-fiction French interactive novel. updated weekly L'arche est un roman de science-fiction interactif. Mise Ó jour hebdomadaires.
  • Trio of Death [IA][Direct] - A rag-tag group of (strangely enough) three fictional gun-totin' miscreants, who like nothing better than laying waste to vast quantities of people and land.
  • Voyage: Triton [IA][Direct] - A sci-fi/espionage serial story!
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