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  • CyberStage [IA][Direct] - Canadian magazine of arts and technology.
  • Dancex Dancer's Exchange [IA][Direct]
  • eye WEEKLY [IA][Direct] - Weekly arts newspaper.
  • It's a Bunny [IA][Direct] - Provides shelter to new fiction, poetry and art in an otherwise cold and hostile climate...
  • konekshuns [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to sharing info about indie arts and Black culture, especially Canadian. Provides artist-supportive opprtunities for reaching broader audiences. Copyrights remain with contributors.
  • Le Scoop des Arts [IA][Direct] - Arts and culture zine that covers Quebec, France and the States. (in French)
  • Montreal Serai  [IA][Direct] - Magazine covering film, music, art, exhibitions, theatre, and dance. Focuses on the emerging artistic presence of communities other than those of the additional majority.
  • Needle News [IA][Direct]
  • Pillbox [IA][Direct] - Free publication showcasing local artists, distributed throughout Alberta.
  • Slow Burn [IA][Direct] - A compendium of images and ideas from the contemporary Canadian art world.
  • solas (enjoyment) [IA][Direct] - Not-for-profit magazine devoted to showcasing new talent in the genres of art, poetry and fiction.
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