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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Business Opportunities >
Investment Opportunities
  • Biotech Diffusion Inc. [TheOldNet][Direct] - Dedicated to the world-wide marketing of medical devices which it develops and manufactures.
  • Canadian Unity Masterpiece [TheOldNet][Direct] - Designed by the people for the people of Canada and looking for corporate sponsors. It is an attempt to highlight the unity, diversity, and multiculturalism within Canada.
  • Pier On Bevan [TheOldNet][Direct] - Opportunity to help sponsor an improved marine life habitat that will be created through natural and artificial reef pods. This aims to enhance both recreational scuba diving and fishing programs.
  • Whiteshell Laboratories - Task Force [TheOldNet][Direct] - Business opportunities available in the areas of irradiation, accelerators, waste management, materials, research, engineering and mining.
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