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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies > Communications and Media Services > Writing and Editing >
Technical Writing
  • Devonia Technical Communication Services Inc [IA][Direct] - A technical documentation company specializing in writing, editing, training and HTML.
  • Let's Get Technical! Documentation Services [IA][Direct] - A complete documentation services company specializing in hardcopy and online documentation for Windows applications. Web page design services also available.
  • NIVA Inc. [IA][Direct] - Canadian documentation firm. Our staff of documentation planners, technical writers, editors, and packaging designers develop publications for government and technology developers across North America.
  • Praxis Communications [IA][Direct] - Freelance writing and editing for computer, Internet, and telecommunications publications.
  • Simmons Bolton Inc [IA][Direct] - Good documents are part of any effective working environment. We design technical documents for real people with real work to do.
  • Userproof Software Services Ltd [IA][Direct] - Providing professional documentation services, including user guides, online help, operating procedures and documentation plans, plus document editing, upgrades and conversions.
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