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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies > Computers > Software > Industry Specific >
Retail Management
  • Cimmetry Systems Inc. [IA][Direct] - OEM and retail viewing and markup software solutions. Featuring AutoVue, AutoVue Professional, Panoramic, VCET, and EDAT.
  • Gemmar Systems International [IA][Direct] - Microcomputer based inventory control, POS and imaging systems.
  • ICS Inventory Control Systems Inc. [IA][Direct] - Specializes in computerized point of sale, inventory control, accounting and business management systems. Software, hardware, training, installation, support and consulting.
  • System V [IA][Direct] - Specializes in tools for the retail trade, POS systems, HO systems and a means of controlling your entire company (and stores) from one system.
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