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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies > Computers > Software > Mapping >
Geographic Information Systems
  • ASC [IA][Direct] - Developer of MCadContour, a GIS/CAD contouring and mapping, imaging Macintosh Application for creating maps.
  • GCMaps [IA][Direct] - Providers of unique presentation quality digital street maps of Canadian cities for use with your data in MapInfo, ArcView, and Atlas.
  • Geosoft [IA][Direct] - Mapping and processing software for earth science applications.
  • Mizar Systems Limited [IA][Direct] - Providing GIS consulting, programming services and products to the international MicroStation user community.
  • Northwood Geoscience, Ltd. [IA][Direct] - GIS mapping company. Custom mapping applications, thematic map products and MapInfo desktop mapping software to private and government organizations.
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