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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies > Financial Services >
  • Barrett Consultants [IA][Direct] - We will prepare your Canadian income tax return & efile it to Revenue Canada. If you have already prepared your income tax return on CANTAX ONLY we will efile it for you at a very reasonable price.
  • B & Home Tax Services [IA][Direct] - Canadian Tax and consulting service.
  • Junction Income Tax Services [IA][Direct] - Provides tax preparation services for United States and Canadian residents and citizens.
  • Mack Tax [IA][Direct] - Canadian income tax returns prepared and filed.
  • Taxfax [IA][Direct] - International tax information and resources, includes Australia, Canada, France, Germany, South Africa, the UK, and the US.
  • TaxSave [IA][Direct] - Recovers money from corporate sales tax and custom duties.
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