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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies > Law >
  • Canada Legal Directory [IA][Direct] - Comprehensive listing of Canadian lawyers and law firms with Internet e-mail or Web addresses.
  • Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory [IA][Direct] - Identifies the leading Canadian law firms and lawyers in over 50 practice areas across Canada.
  • LAWeb [IA][Direct] - Lawyer or law firm web pages for Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, UK and the USA.
  • Law North [IA][Direct] - Lists attorneys, law firms and paralegals in Northern Ontario. It also contains court office information and links to related sites.
  • Lawyer Net [IA][Direct] - Listings of legal services for the Vancouver Islands.
  • Legalink [IA][Direct] - Online Legal Resource Centre - directory of lawyers and legal professionals in South-Western Ontario, as well as useful Canadian legal information.
  • Peel Criminal Lawyers Association [IA][Direct] - Barristers & lawyers, criminal law association.
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