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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Business > Companies > Scientific > Instruments >
  • A-Z Microscope [IA][Direct] - Sales & service of microscopes, video, photo and computer interface attachments. Autorized dealer of "MEIJI" microscopes and instruments.
  • Biomedical Photometrics Inc. [IA][Direct] - New confocal scanning laser microscope/macroscope for imaging of specimens from 25 x 25 microns to 7.5 x 7.5 cm in size using reflected light and fluorescence.
  • Hughes Elcan Optical Technologies [IA][Direct] - Manufacturer of electro-optical and opto-mechanical systems and subsystems.
  • Systems for Research Corp. [IA][Direct] - Supplier of microscopy equipment and supplies, including SEM,AFM,EDS x-ray analysis and image analysis equipment. sample preparation.
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