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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > Health > Diseases and Conditions > AIDS/HIV >
Research and Treatment
  • BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS [IA][Direct] - Provides education to health care providers, conducts studies, develops lab analyses, carries out clinical trials. Drug program is centre' core activity.
  • Canadian HIV Trials Network [IA][Direct] - Clinical and treatment information is available in French and English. A long list of publications is also available.
  • HIV/AIDS Treatment Information Network [IA][Direct] - Provides information on the treatment options available to people living with HIV/AIDS including drugs, other medical treatments and complementary therapies.
  • McGill Aids Center [IA][Direct] - Coordinates, facilitates and promotes teaching, research and treatment activities relating to HIV infection and AIDS at McGill University and its affiliated hospitals.
  • Vanguard Project, The [IA][Direct] - Participants needed for this study of HIV incidence and risk factors in young gay and bisexual men in the Lower Mainland.
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