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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > News and Media > Magazines >
  • Atopia: [IA][Direct] - A temporary autonomous zone providing political and social commentary from a Canadian perspective, plus arts graphical and literary.
  • Big Bang Magazine [IA][Direct] - Adrenalin, skate, snowboard, alternative music..in French.
  • Broken Pencil [IA][Direct] - Guide to alternative publications in Canada. reviews of Canadian zines, e-zines, newsletters, chap-books and journals, plus excerpts and features.
  • Cannabis Canada [IA][Direct] - The magazine of Canada's cannabis culture.
  • Cyberblack [IA][Direct] - Information on the local alternative scene + feature articles on the art of living after sundown.
  • Guelph Peak [IA][Direct] - Collective-run student magazine full of odd topics and irreverent opinions.
  • Shock Media [IA][Direct] - Deals unabashedly with current issues that affect all of mankind. It explores the antithesis of information and reveals some 'shocking' truths about our societies.
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