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Home > Regional > Countries > Canada > News and Media > Magazines >
  • AfterHour [IA][Direct] - Montreal's news, cultural and entertainment website provides listings of events, editorial coverage, discussion forums, contests, shareware reviews.
  • Foot-In-Mouth [IA][Direct] - Pop tales, opinions, and celebrity send-up from Vancouver's Terminal City Magazine.
  • FRANK Online [IA][Direct]
  • Info Guide Review Magazine [IA][Direct] - Monthly reviews from business to entertainment. Submissions of short stories & poems.
  • IT Magazine [IA][Direct] - Covers sports, entertainment, fashion and much more. Published for teens and young adults.
  • MagooZone [IA][Direct] - Offers the opportunity to submit various material from reviews of Canadian sites, to stories you want published and much more.
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