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Home > Regional > Countries > Germany > Business > Companies >
  • Arktic home [IA][Direct] - Wir verkaufen Treppen aus Holz und Stahl sowie Holzwohnhäuser aus Norwegen, in Deutschland; home building and stair construction (in German).
  • Fertighaus [IA][Direct] - Prefabricated houses.
  • Ispo [IA][Direct] - Repair, protection and conservation of structures and buildings.
  • Koch Hightex [IA][Direct] - International supplier of specialist membrane structures.
  • Radium Lighting [IA][Direct] - Lighting technologies for home, office or automobile including solutions for designers and OEMs.
  • Witex AG [IA][Direct] - Offers laminate flooring or parquet with an all-inclusive accessory and service package.
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