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  • Auto.Page [IA][Direct] - Der Fachinformationsdienst der Auto- und Motorpresse. Aktuelle Informationen, Pressemitteilungen und Statistiken rund um das Auto; press releases and archived articles about manufacturers and the industry (in German).
  • Bodensee Magazin [IA][Direct] - Provides information about all around the Lake of Constance; cities, events, museums, art galleries, leisure activities etc. (in German).
  • Catwalk Online [IA][Direct]
  • Chance Online [IA][Direct] - Interaktives magazin fuer Schueler.
  • chronX web marketing report [IA][Direct] - Www marketing report (in German).
  • Discover [IA][Direct] - Musik & Mehr, Jede Woche neue CDs, stories, interviews.
  • Funsport [IA][Direct] - Features several sports including beach volleyball, inline skating, surfing, boarding and more (in German).
  • German Corner-Deutsches Eck [IA][Direct] - Monthly german-american online magazine, with german resources in the USA.
  • German News [IA][Direct] - Service that offers listings of travel, jobs, classifieds and more.
  • Heise Online [IA][Direct] - Computer magazine publisher, with several magazines and articles about components, internet and more.
  • Hinnerk [IA][Direct] - Hamburgs schwules Stadtmagzin; bietet seinen Leser einen ausgiebigen Veranstaltungskalender und vielseitige redaktionelle Berichte hinnerk offers a varaity of articles, mainly on topics concerning gays in Hamburg (in German).
  • In Teufels Namen [IA][Direct] - FC Kaiserslautern fanzine, in German.
  • local@global [IA][Direct] - Online-Magazin Außenwirtschaft; focuses the global challenges faced by medium-sized companies in Germany.
  • Marktspiegel Online [IA][Direct] - Frankens auflagenstarkes Wochenblatt, der MarktSpiegel ist im Internet unter anderem mit einem umfangreichen redaktionellen Angebot, Veranstaltungskalender, Kleinanzeigen sowie einem Archiv vertreten.
  • München City [IA][Direct] - Internet Magazine for Munich with links, chat, newsgroups and articles (in Germany).
  • nitelife [IA][Direct]
  • Prosound-online [IA][Direct] - Latest news, reports, and articles on audio equipment as well as international pages for non-german visitors (in German).
  • SpieleNews [IA][Direct] - Deutschsprachiges Spielemag.
  • Sport-Bild Online [IA][Direct] - Sport-Zeitschrift; sports magazine with current news and articles (in German).
  • Sport & Design Drachen [IA][Direct] - Kite magazine in the internet. Latest issue in parts with pictures and plans (in german).
  • Stellenmagazin [IA][Direct] - Kostenlos, so finden Sie heute gute Jobs. Information fuer stellenanarbeiter
  • TextWerk [IA][Direct] - German literature, collaborative writing, tree fiction.
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