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Home > Regional > Countries > India > Business >
  • Hinduja Group [IA][Direct] - Interests in transport, finance, energy, real estate, and information technology.
  • Muthoot Pappachan Group [IA][Direct] - Diverse interests in banks, financial services, ceramics, power generation, real estate, automobiles and entertainment.
  • Sanmar [IA][Direct] - From chemicals and plastics to world-class engineering products, from hi-tech electronics to customised financial services and more.
  • Tata Enterprises [IA][Direct] - Conglomerate comprising over 80 companies across diverse industries. Site includes information on Tata member companies and statistics on India.
  • TikTok Industrial Consultants [IA][Direct]
  • VVD Group [IA][Direct] - Diverse interests in edible oils, hair oils, finance, shipping, warehousing, stevedoring, transporting, manufacturing iodised salt and incorporating the use of minerals.
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