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Home > Regional > Countries > Japan > Entertainment >
  • Comedy@  (2003)
  • Gaijin a Go Go [IA][Direct] - Find all your favorite western stars on Japanese television commercials, stars who wouldn't be caught dead in their own country pushing products.
  • International Chindogu Society [IA][Direct] - Celebrating chindogu, literally translated as "weird tools" -- useless but clever inventions that are bound to amuse.
  • Japanese Advertisements & Celebrities [IA][Direct] - Hollywood celebrities moonlighting for Japanese advertisements. Scanned images of actual ads with pithy comments.
  • Japanese Engrish [IA][Direct] - Documents the humourous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design.
  • Sold Out! [IA][Direct] - Features famous actors and personalities who would not be seen dead in the west hawking products...but they were caught in Japan.
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