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Home > Regional > Countries > Norway >
  • Alexander, Liv [IA][Direct] - Actress from Norway.
  • Balloon Company, The [IA][Direct] - Specializing in decoration, bouquet delivery and party supplies.
  • Cinema Paradiso [IA][Direct] - Features info on new TV shows and films. In Norwegian.
  • Ingvar's Cook-o-phone [IA][Direct] - Ingvar of Bergen, Norway will cook food for you free at your home if you invite him to dinner.
  • Lowther Club of Norway [IA][Direct] - A forum for Lowther-Voigt loudspeaker fans with articles.
  • PLUTO [IA][Direct] - A guide to whats hot and whats not in Norway. Aiming to be the ultimate guide to all cultural events in Norway PLUTO is at your service 24 hrs a day (in Norwegian)
  • Wenches Kjøkken [IA][Direct] - På Internett sidene til Wenches Kjøkken fra TV2-programmet God Morgen, Norge finner du enkle og gode middagsforslag samt noen oppskrifter på smakfulle desserter og litt hverdagsbakst.
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