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Home > Regional > Countries > Spain > Business >
  • Editores [IA][Direct] - Directorio de las editoriales Españolas.
  • Editorial Gedisa [IA][Direct] - Libros en español para universitarios y profesionales.
  • Editorial Paidotribo [IA][Direct] - Edita obras divulgativas, técnicas y pedagógicas en deportes, educación física, nutrición, homeopatía y medicina deportiva.
  • Grupo Anaya [IA][Direct] - Spanish publisher, with more than 30 companies related to education, narrative, multimedia, arts, culture, and more.
  • Mundi-Prensa Libros [IA][Direct] - Spanish language publisher specializing in agriculture subjects with firms in Madrid, Barcelona and México.
  • Visor Libros [IA][Direct] - Publishes Spanish poetry and literature.
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