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Home > Regional > Countries > United Kingdom > Business > Companies > Computers > Peripherals >
  • Communicate Ltd. [IA][Direct] - Specializing in PCMCIA communications products.
  • Electronic Frontier Ltd. [IA][Direct] - Communications hardware specialist. Topics include current product reviews, news , special offers and future developments.
  • PMC [IA][Direct] - Providing corporate and end-user connectivity solutions.
  • Psion Dacom [IA][Direct] - PC Card Fax Modem manufacturer (Dataquest). Product information, software drivers, modem upgrades and contact information.
  • SEG Communications [IA][Direct] - Sell a range of modems, ISDN equipment and accessories from leading manufacturers including Hayes, US Robotics, Multitech, Pace, Motorolla and Psion Dacom.
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