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Home > Regional > Countries > United Kingdom > Business > Companies > Computers > Software >
Desktop Publishing
  • Atlantic Coast plc [IA][Direct] - UK software publisher.
  • Communitype Communications Ltd. [IA][Direct] - Specialising in electronic publishing, including Web page authoring, Digital Reprographics, DTP and Multimedia.
  • Contex [IA][Direct] - High-performance software for the prepress professional, providing an integrated range of workstations, severs and data-managemnet tools.
  • Dalriada Data Technology [IA][Direct] - Produce desktop publishing utilities for the Acorn RISC-OS range of computers including our popular TableMate table- making application.
  • SoftPress Systems [IA][Direct] - Developer of UniQorn, a page layout program for the Apple Macintosh that takes advantage of the QuickDraw GX architecture.
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