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Home > Regional > Countries > United Kingdom > Business > Companies > Career and Job Search Services >
Resume and Job Banks
  • Easynet Job-Centre [IA][Direct] - Place a CV, peruse the jobs on offer and look for people to employ.
  • InterWorkNet (UK) Ltd. [IA][Direct] - We provide a managed job and people finding service with searchable talent and opportunity databases.
  • JobSearch UK [IA][Direct] - Submit your CV or search for vacancies.
  • JobSite [IA][Direct] - For job hunters and recruitment consultancies; requires registration.
  • PeopleBank [IA][Direct] - International database of job-seekers, from a wide range of providers who can be matched instantly to employers requirements; requires registration.
  • TAPS - The Appointments Section [IA][Direct] - UK recruitment site where you can search and apply for a new position, create your own web resume, and be notified of new developments via email.
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