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Home > Regional > U.S. States > California > Cities > San Francisco > Health > Care Providers >
Long Term Care
  • Baker Anderson Christie Homecare [IA][Direct] - Nurse-owned homehealth agency providing 24-hour attendant care from the newborn to the elderly.
  • Family House [IA][Direct] - Where families can stay for days and even weeks while their children receive care from the internationally acclaimed pediatric cancer clinic at UCSF Medical Center.
  • Goldman Institute on Aging [IA][Direct] - Provides specialized services for those who are aging, frail, or have memory loss.
  • Margie's Residence [IA][Direct] - Provides high quality assisted living or residential care for the elderly.
  • Synergy, LLC [IA][Direct] - Alzheimer's and assisted living elderly care homes and services. A nursing home alternative providing comprehensive 24-hour board and care in a comfortable and safe home-like atmosphere.
  • Zen Hospice Project [IA][Direct] - Runs several programs dedicated to the care of people approaching death and increasing our understanding of our own impermanence.
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