Home > Science > Biology > Entomology > | Institutes | | | - Colorado State University [IA][Direct]
- Crop Protection [IA][Direct] -
Botany, entomology, mycology for Agri-Food Canada.
- IACR-Rothamsted - Entomology & Nematology [IA][Direct] -
Includes information on current research on insects, nematodes and molluscs of agricultural importance.
- Iowa State University [IA][Direct]
- Michigan State University [IA][Direct]
- Mississippi State University - Entomology and Plant Pathology [IA][Direct]
- Montana State University [IA][Direct]
- Pennsylvania State University [IA][Direct]
- Pest Management Regulatory Agency [IA][Direct] -
Protecting human health and the environment by minimizing risks associated with pest control products.
- Rutgers University [IA][Direct]
- Universidad de Guadalajara [IA][Direct] -
Includen publicaciones, dugesiana, articulos, y mas.
- University of California, Riverside [IA][Direct] -
Faculty, courses, resources, and more.
- University of Florida - Entomology and Nematology [IA][Direct]
- University of Georgia [IA][Direct]
- University of Illinois [IA][Direct]
- University of Massachusetts [IA][Direct]
- University of Minnesota [IA][Direct]
- University of Missouri [IA][Direct]
- University of Queensland [IA][Direct] -
Offering instruction in the sciences of Entomology and Acarology (the study of mites) at the undergraduate and all postgraduate levels.
- University of Tennessee - Entomology and Plant Pathology [IA][Direct]
- University of Wyoming [IA][Direct]