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Home > Science > Biology > Genetics >
  • Current Opinion in Genetics & Development [IA][Direct] - Systemic reviews of all advances in cell biology, plus evaluations of key references and comprehensive listings of papers.
  • Gene Expression [IA][Direct] - Publishes papers on all aspects of the gene including its structure, functions, and regulation in prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses.
  • Genes & Development [IA][Direct] - Publishes research papers of general interest and biological significance in molecular biology, molecular genetics, and developmental biology.
  • Genetics [IA][Direct] - Published by The Genetics Society of America.
  • Nature Genetics [IA][Direct] - International journal for genetic research with a particular emphasis on human and mammalian genetics.
  • Soybean Genetics Newsletter [IA][Direct] - For the exchange of ideas among soybean scientists. Articles may be preliminary in nature and speculative in content, and should not be regarded as equivalent to papers in scientific journals.
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