BIMCORE Information Page [IA][Direct] -
A subscription-based software support service for genetics and molecular biology related computing.
Biological Information Resources [IA][Direct] -
Liaison to basic sciences researchers at the University of Washington Health Sciences Library. Links and descriptions of Web servers and sites for molecular sequence analysis.
Flybrain [IA][Direct] -
Research database to provide information about the neurobiology of drosophila for study of molecular genetics of neuronal development and neuronal basis of behaviour
Motif BioInformatics Server [IA][Direct] -
Publically available molecular display program RasMol2 and a sample NCBI Blast Server Result File modified by the PERL script
Ribosomes [IA][Direct] -
Essay on their struction, function and regulation.
SALSA [IA][Direct] -
Searches a wide range of sequence databases.
Sequence Logos [IA][Direct] -
A graphical way of representing and visualizing biological information developed by Tom Schneider and Mike Stephens. Generally they supercede consensus sequences as more precise and useful ways of conveying data.
Subtraction Resource Page [IA][Direct] -
Description, calculations & on-line publication pertaining to methods for isolating genes known only by mutation.
The Packer Lab, UC Berkeley [IA][Direct] -
Studies how oxidants are generated in biological systems, how redox-based antioxidants and other cellular antioxidants respond to oxidative stress and how these processes modulate gene expression.