- California Academy of Sciences Library@ (1999)
- CERN [IA][Direct] -
Scientific information service with online journals, archives, and publications.
- Cornell University - W. F. Mai Nematology Reference Library [IA][Direct] -
Description of the library and a downloadable bibliography.
- George R. Cooley Science Library - Colgate University [IA][Direct]
- GSFC Homer E. Newell Memorial Library [IA][Direct]
- Harvard - Cabot Science Library [IA][Direct]
- Kresge Physical Science Library [IA][Direct]
- Library of Congress Science Reading Room [IA][Direct] -
Collection covers science, technology, technical reports, and standards.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library [IA][Direct] -
Provides information resources to the Los Alamos National Laboratory research community.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Burndy Library [IA][Direct] -
Features rare books and manuscripts in the history of science, as well as a complete collection of more recent literature.
- NCSR Demokritos Library [IA][Direct] -
Scientific library in Greece. Site provides services such as Web-OPAC, Z39.50 interface, and more, and is also in Greek.
- Needham Research Institute (United Kingdom) - East Asian History of Science Library [IA][Direct] -
Holds a unique mixture of primary and secondary works in Chinese, English, Japanese, and other languages on the history of Chinese science, technology, and medicine.
- Northwestern University - Seeley G. Mudd Library for Science and Engineering [IA][Direct]
- Shevchenko Scientific Society Library [IA][Direct] -
On-line library catalog in English and Ukrainian. Specialized library, depository of archives and art collection pertaining to Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora.
- University at Buffalo - Science & Engineering Library [IA][Direct]
- University of California Santa Cruz Science Library [IA][Direct]
- University of California Santa Cruz Science Library [IA][Direct]
- U.S. Air Force - Phillips Laboratory Technical Library [IA][Direct] -
Collection covers the areas of astronomy, astrophysics, chemistry, mathematics, physics and engineering.
- U.S. Naval Academy - Nimitz Library [IA][Direct]
- U.S. Naval Research Laboratory - Ruth H. Hooker Research Laboratory [IA][Direct]
- Web Directory: Natural History Libraries [IA][Direct] -
Links to natural history libraries worldwide.