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Home > Science > Zoology > Animals, Insects, and Pets > Dogs >
  • Border Collie Online Stud Book  [IA][Direct] - Web magazine about working Border Collies includes information on training, events, health, and a stud list.
  • DOG-e-zine [IA][Direct] - We search for the best dog sites, we index 'em, we describe 'em and we rate 'em!
  • Doggies in the Windows [IA][Direct] - Includes breeder directory, services, breed art items, handlers, upcoming shows and matches, and much more.
  • Dogs by the Bay [IA][Direct] - An interactive magazine written for and by Bay Area dogs. Includes suggestions of best places to take your humans for the day.
  • Dog World [IA][Direct] - Source for breed, training, health, obedience, and behavior information for owners of man's best friend.
  • Dog Zone, The [IA][Direct] - A breeder's exchange and place for "dog people."
  • Show Dog Magazine [IA][Direct] - The first online magazine dedicated to the sport of purebred dogs.
  • Workingdogs.com [IA][Direct] - Cyberzine about working dogs around the world.
  • www.woofs [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to the adoption, loving care, understanding, training, breeding and humane treatment of dogs.
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