- American Indian Quarterly [IA][Direct] -
A refereed, interdisciplinary journal of the histories, anthropologies, literatures, and arts of Native North America.
- Anthropoetics [IA][Direct] -
Electronic journal of generative anthropology.
- Anthropological Linguistics [IA][Direct] -
Subscription and submission information, plus the contents of recent volumes.
- Antiquity [IA][Direct] -
Specialist journal of international archaeological research, published quarterly as a paperback book.
- Chicago Anthropology Exchange [IA][Direct] -
Student-run by the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago.
- Cultural Anthropology [IA][Direct] -
Open to innovations in theory, research, and ethnography.
- Cultural Anthropology Methods [IA][Direct]
- Cultural Dynamics [IA][Direct] -
A programmatic journal which invites scholars to think about culture, cutting across the traditional boundaries of the social sciences.
- Cultus [IA][Direct] -
Dutch publication by Quetzalcoatl, the Nijmegen Student Association for Anthropology
- Current Anthropology [IA][Direct] -
Tables of contents, submission guidelines, subscription and advertising rates.
- Discourse [IA][Direct] -
Site for a peer-reviewed graduate anthropology journal stressing discussion across the four fields. Submissions always welcome. Produced at the University at Buffalo/SUNY.
- Edge: The E-Journal of Intercultural Relations [IA][Direct] -
Online journal created to give the many people with an interest in intercultural relations an outlet to share their work via the Web.
- Journal of Material Culture [IA][Direct] -
Interdisciplinary journal,concerned with the relationship between artefacts and social relations, aims to systematically explore links between construction of social identities and production and use of material culture.
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies [IA][Direct] -
From the University of Chicago.
- Journal of Political Ecology [IA][Direct] -
Peer reviewed electronic journal.
- Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society [IA][Direct]
- Journal of World-Systems Research [IA][Direct]
- Missing Link - The Journal of Topical Anthropology [IA][Direct]
- Northeast Anthropology [IA][Direct] -
Anthropology journal for the northeastern region of USA and Canada, including cultural anthropology, archaeology, physical anthropology, linguistics and ethnohistory.
- Noticias de Antropología y Arqueología [IA][Direct] -
Revista de difusion cientifica. Incluye diccionario de mitos y leyendas folkloricas. Antropología urbana, identidad, folklore, momias, museología, arte rupestre, antropología visual, etc.
- Replika Online [IA][Direct] -
Journal of Anthropology and Sociology with a permanent column for cybersociety. Mainly in Hungarian.
- Revista Chilena de Antropologia [IA][Direct] -
Published by the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology of the Universidad de Chile; in Spanish.
- Texas Archeology E-Journal [IA][Direct] -
Archeology and history happenings and resources. The Texan Indian tribes, European exploration. Spanish missions, Alamo, current events, and orginizations.
- Theoretical Anthropology [IA][Direct]
- Traditional Archery World - Le Monde d l'Archerie Traditional [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to traditional archery: history, archeology, ethnology, and more.