- Architectural Resources [aol.com] [IA][Direct]
- Architecture on the Web [IA][Direct]
- Architecture - WWW Virtual Library [IA][Direct]
- Art and Architecture [IA][Direct] -
Collection of writings and layouts in classical and postmodern architecture.
- ArtSource [IA][Direct] -
A gathering point for networked resources on Art and Architecture. Diverse content includes links to resources around the net and original materials submitted by librarians, artists, and art historians.
- Kyrie's Architecture Page [IA][Direct] -
Hundreds of links to architectural related areas on the web.
- Nick Birchall's Architectural Jumpstation [IA][Direct] -
Including General, Architects, Architecture & Computers, Students, Schools and Newsgroups.
- Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Center [buffalo.edu] [IA][Direct] -
A comprehensive guide to Internet resources dealing with urban planning and architecture.
- Threshold [IA][Direct] -
Collection of links related to architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning--schools, firms, journals, exhibits, events, etc.