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Home > Arts > Humanities > Literature > Book Arts >
  • Arizona Workshops [IA][Direct] - Offering private instruction and studio rental for the book arts, including binding, papermaking, and marbling.
  • Bookbinding Tutorial [IA][Direct] - Aimed primarily at those who wish to preserve the content of old pulp paperbacks by photocopying them onto archival paper and then binding the results.
  • Book Doctor [IA][Direct] - Includes a look at some binding projects undertaken by the doctor.
  • Cor Knops [IA][Direct] - Dutch bookbinder and conservator.
  • Discover Bookbinding [IA][Direct] - Instructions, diagrams, and links presented by Chris Lipscombe. Includes The Bookbinder's Toolbox, where you can find bookbinding tools and equipment to buy, sell or exchange.
  • Handlist on 19th-Century Binding [IA][Direct] - Annotated bibliography of available resources relating to 19th century British and American handcraft binding. Compiled by Donald Farren.
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