- Book Chatter [IA][Direct] -
Discussion group where the members choose the monthly reading selection. Selected titles available to order through Amazon.com.
- Bookgroup List, The [IA][Direct] -
Email reading group that lets the members choose what books to read. We read and discuss two books a month.
- Book Talk [IA][Direct] -
Includes RealAudio readings by the authors, and Monday through Friday at 7 p.m. ET there is a moderated chat/discussion about the title.
- GB-BookClub [IA][Direct] -
Email discussion list on the great books of western literature. All are welcome.
- Painted Rock Writers and Readers Colony [IA][Direct] -
Community for writers and readers, offering classes, workshops, chat, message boards and more, organized by genre.
- Rachel's Compendium of On-Line Book Discussions [IA][Direct] -
Collection of on-line book clubs, discussion areas, and related sites.
- Readers Forum [IA][Direct] -
Interactive database where users rate books and get reading recommendations based on these ratings.
- SFF Net [IA][Direct] -
Provides discussion groups for all varieties of genre literature, from fantasy to romance, from science fiction to mysteries. Authors, editors, and readers are welcome.
- WashingtonPost.com Book Group [IA][Direct] -
Scheduled book readings and discussions.