- Early Greek Philosophy [IA][Direct] -
Reprint of the 3rd edition of John Burnet's famous study of Presocratic philosophy.
- Greek Philosophy [IA][Direct] -
Contains information from the Pre-Socratic through the Hellenistic periods.
- Greek Philosophy Archive [IA][Direct] -
Download the works of Greek philosophers, visit the sculpture garden.
- Greek Primary Texts [IA][Direct]
- Hellenistic Philosophy [IA][Direct] -
Contains sections on epicureanism, stoicism, and scepticism.
- History of Ancient Philosophy [IA][Direct] -
Contains a survey of, and course notes for, the history of ancient Greek philosophy from the Milesians through Aristotle.
- History of Science: Pre-Socratic Philosophers [IA][Direct] -
Contains an essay on how Greek philosophers began to work out an orderly system for learning how to determine underlying laws from observed data.
- Materials for the Construction of Shakespeare's Morals [IA][Direct] -
Examines the influence of Stoicism on the ethical substructure of Shakespeare's plays, characters, and plots.
- Philosophy Garden, The [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to the spirit of life pioneered by Epicurus and Lucretius. E-texts, essays, discussion group, and more!
- Presocratic Philosophers [IA][Direct] -
Combined ancient Greek mythology with rational thinking and sought all the forces which compose nature.
- Program in Ancient Philosophy - Cornell University [IA][Direct] -
Aims at training productive scholars and effective teachers of ancient philosophy who will also be competent and well-rounded classicists or philosophers.
- Researching Tips for Undergraduate Papers in Ancient Greek Philosophy [IA][Direct] -
Guide to Internet and print sources necessary for writing undergraduate papers; also provides advice as to the best writing strategy.
- Stoicism [IA][Direct] -
Contains a description of the movement and its founders.
- Stoic Philosophy [IA][Direct] -
Disciples of a Greek philosopher named Zeno.