B.Usami's page [IA][Direct] -
From the Faculty of Arts, Shinshu-University Japan. Contains some picture story shows and information about Chinese philosophy and art.
Chinese Philosophy [IA][Direct] -
Bibliographies, electronic mailing lists, and other resources related to Chinese philosophy.
Chinese Philosophy and Daoism [IA][Direct] -
Interpretive articles explaining classical Pre-Han Chinese Philosophy including human rights/Asian values.
Chuang Tzu [IA][Direct] -
Introduction to the mysticism and pantheism of the Taoist "butterfly" philosopher.
Wesleyan Neo-Confucian Etext Project [IA][Direct] -
Electronic versions of important Neo-Confucian (11th-20th c.) texts. Works by Wang Yangming, Zhu Xi, and Liang Qichao (as of 8/96).