- 1987 Khe Sanh Commanders [IA][Direct] -
Composed of Marine commanders who fought in and around the Khe Sanh area between 1967 and 1968 during the Vietnam War.
- 1993 Tropicland Hurricanes [IA][Direct] -
CBA's team of menacing tropical cyclones.
- 1996 Pranktown Busriders [IA][Direct] -
Season 1996 official team roster (the Merry Pranksters play ball).
- Barsoomtown Explorers [IA][Direct] -
CBA's baseball team of Martian Exploration spacecraft.
- Bhutan Vanguards [IA][Direct] -
Team of artists. Dali manages Picasso, Rembrandt, Durer, and Kahlo.
- Bigtopia Barnum Stormers [IA][Direct] -
Represents circus personalities. Midgets, giants and other all owned by the "Shakepseare of Adverstising", Phineas Taylor Barnum.
- Cosmic Baseball Assiciation - Martian Kinotypes [IA][Direct] -
Team of movies about the planet Mars.
- Cosmic Baseball Association [IA][Direct]
- Cosmic Baseball Association - Psychedelphia Woodstockings [IA][Direct] -
Team about the 1960s. Huey Newton, Betty Friedan, and James Earl Ray are rookies. John Lennon manages.
- Cosmic Baseball Association - Ridertown Tarotians [IA][Direct] -
Team representing the major arcana cards of the Tarot deck. Managed by Eliphas Levi and owned by A.E. Waite.
- Delta Dragons [IA][Direct] -
Team of excellent musicians. This year's Dragon rookies include Chick Corea, Charlie Bird Parker, and Bob Marley.
- Franklinton Zappas [IA][Direct] -
Team representing Frank Zappa's first 25 albums from 1966-1979.
- Pre-Raphaelite Baseball Club [IA][Direct] -
Team consists of members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, their friends, models, and associates.