- Alward, Sharon [IA][Direct] -
Provides information on the performance/installation works of the Canadian artist.
- Anderson, Laurie@ (1999)
- Beaubois, Denis [IA][Direct] -
Presents In the Event of Amnesia.
- Hall, David [IA][Direct] -
Images of pyrotechnica performance art pieces. Also includes some fireworks history.
- Michael Moschen in Motion [IA][Direct] -
Booking information.
- Stelarc [IA][Direct] -
Australian-based performance artist whose work explores the relationship of technology with the body.
- The Torture King [IA][Direct]
- Wizard of New Zealand [IA][Direct] -
The official Wizard of New Zealand, classified by art galleries and critics as a Living Work of Art, designer of the Post-Modern Cosmology, theorist of the Fun Revolution, founder of the Imperial British Conservative Party, role-model for Post-Feminist men, and Metaphysical Engineer.